Yellow Birch

  • Betula alleghaniensis. Yellow Birch
  • Native birch to US and Canada.
  • Used in syrup, and as an edible.
  • Strong scent and mild flavor of wintergreen

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Betula alleghaniensis. This species, also known as golden birch due to its beautiful glossy gold bark, is a cold hardy native to North America. It is hardy to zone 3 at least. The sap is used in making syrup and sugar like maple species are. The sap run is a few weeks after maple season has ended, and so can be useful in such operations. The inner bark has the pronounced flavor of wintergreen and is full edible. We often chew on the twigs when we are on the land working. It can be distilled to make a wintergreen flavoring. The flavor is volatile, so expect the syrup to taste only mildly of wintergreen. This is also a great species for coppicing and pollarding as it is both high in btu's and sprouts back readily when cut. Harvesting the firewood should be done in winter. This is a tough species, often growing from seedlings that began on boulders and dead trees. When seen years later after the logs have decayed, the tree roots are often elevated in a twisted and animated fashion. Excellent lumber tree, often containing good figure (wavy or curly birch). A dense hardwood species.

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We do site visits, help with soil and other tests, and planning. Included are written plans for the implementation and day to day operations of your future of existing plantings. Fees vary according to the extent of the operation. Contact us for further info.

Tree Pruning
Proper pruning ensures a healthier tree, improves fruit size and increases fruit yield. Fruit trees should be pruned during winter dormancy. We’ll prune individual trees or an entire orchard.

We offer services for those who would like assistance in planting and/or maintaining trees and help with everything from staking trees to trellising grapes and berries. We will show you the proper procedures for caring for your home orchard or do the maintenance for you.

Custom Grafting
In addition to grafting the fruit trees we sell, we also offer custom grafting services. We can graft a hard to find cultivar, a reproduction from your own tree, or we can graft onto an existing tree on your property. New trees can be sent right away or grown a year here.

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