(Vinca minor) Hardy evergreen ground cover with purple flowers.
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(Vinca minor) Hardy evergreen ground cover with purple flowers. This is included in our repertoire due to its effectiveness in stabilizing eroding areas. Also, it creates dense mats that will keep unwanted species at bay. Its roots and stem mass is nearly impossible to pull apart, and so can handle rough treatment like occasional foot traffic. The flowers are impressive as a patch will establish itself without any competitions, showing off a carpet of dense and glossy green foliage peppered with 1″ purple flowers in spring. Cold hardy to zone 4a, but often grows well in much colder areas with some snow cover since the plant grows so close to the ground.
Here in northern Vermont, in zone 3 we have extensive areas 50 years old or more. It is used here with red osier dogwood to stabilize banks. It is also used between and around dry laid stone walls for strength and attractiveness. Appreciates some shade.
- Please check to see if this plant is restricted in your state, as this plant spreads rapidly.
Do note that NO plant parts are edible.
Each order is a 1 gallon package containing dozens of plants in dense clumps. These will spread to cover a wide area and compete well with weed pressure. These clumps can be carefully divided if desired, without harm to the plant, but be sure to retain good roots for all divisions.