The premature growth on most species has led to some marginal damage. Following record breaking warm temps this spring, some freezing temperatures ruptured cells in new growth. Leaves damaged were on most species, but not all individual plants. Pear, apple, currants, gooseberries, cherries, plums, aronia, juneberry, and lilac all showed damage. Plants seem to have recovered, but the affected tissue has wilted and decayed or displayed “black tip”. Dissected flower buds on pear appear no worse for the wear, thankfully.
This is a good time to remember that plants can come out of dormancy prematurely if the temperatures are uncharacteristically mild for an extended period. A plant remaining dormant due to cold temps is called ecodormancy. Once plants have gone through their initial chilling hour period, the only thing keeping them asleep is the cold itself. It takes some time, but if the temperatures stay mild long enough things will wake up, putting them at risk if the cold returns.