Lecture and Discussion in Peacham

We held one of our workshops on the 25th of July (2013) at the Peacham Library here in Vt. “Growing Organic Fruit in the Northeast Kingdom” was the focus this time around. We had a nice turnout, and a lot of folks had some very good questions and insights. As is usual the information we give is welcomed but I always think people come to these things to get direct questions answered, since books don’t do that so well. We covered topics such as pruning, fertilizer timing, organic maintenance and variety choices of apples and other fruits. We all enjoyed hearing the different experiences the audience had in their own orchards and gardens.

This is the kind of thing that builds a connectedness to folks of a similar ilk. Think about holding a similar event at your own library, church or town hall. The talks, workshops and lectures I have been involved in have without fail brought together the young and the old, and people of all sorts. You will make some friends and learn something along the way.

If you want us to come out and speak in your area, feel free to get in touch. Some details here.