This is a continually updated list of the domestic and wild species in the Walden Heights Orchard :
- purple flowering raspberry
- native vermont raspberry
- native vermont blackberry
- red berried elderberry
- highbush cranberry (viburnum trilobum)
- wild lowbush blueberry (angustifolium)
- native vermont strawberry
- beaked hazelnut
- white ash
- green ash
- eastern white cedar
- balsam fir
- red spruce
- white spruce
- tamarack
- wild black cherry
- chokecherry
- pin cherry
- yellow birch
- white (paper) birch
- big leaf poplar
- quaking aspen
- red maple (acer rubrum)
- sugar maple (acer saccharum)
- ironwood
- moosewood
- balm of gilead
- box elder
- native willows
- american mountain ash
- gill o’er the ground
- spearmint
- peppermint
- wild basil
- tarragon
- jack in the pulpit
- purple trillium (erectum)
- painted trillium (undulatum)
- starflower
- goldenrod
- evening primrose
- digitalis (foxglove)
- fireweed
- bull thistle
- burdock
- zebra mallow
- common mallow
- purple coneflower
- jerusalem artichoke
- st. john’s wort
- pearly everlasting
- yellow hawkweed
- orange hawkweed
- bluet
- purple violet
- yellow violet
- white violet
- lingonberry
- red osier dogwood
- pagoda dogwood
- perriwinkle
- virgin’s bower
- grape spp.
- arctic kiwi
- princess pine (Lycopodium obscurum)
- oxeye daisy
- black eyed susan
- queen anne’s lace
- bladder wort
- pussy willow
- wild lettuce
- plantain spp.
- timothy
- alfalfa
- blue eyed grass
- gooseberry
- red currant
- skunk currant
- white pine
- cattail
- black elderberry
- aronia melanocarpa
- coltsfoot
- wood sorrel
- sheep sorrel
- curly dock
- hawthorn spp.
- witch hazel
- jewelweed
- bunchberry
- ramps
- wild sarsparilla
- lupine
- honeyberry
- asters
- honeysuckle spp.
- purslane
- chickweed
- crawling raspberry
- fleabane
- dogbane
- milkweed
- canadian bedstraw
- lady’s thumb
- alfalfa
- comfrey
- butternut
- hobblebush
- chickory
more to come…